Nutrients analysis

Nutrients are sampled once per month on the Tiahura radiale since 2008.
Access the data


Triplicata sampling of 125ml of water on:

    • the outer slope (at -20m)
    • the barrier reef (at -0.5m)
    • the fringing reef (at (-0.5m)


GPS coordinates

HabitatLatitude (WGS84)Longitude (WGS84)
Outer slope17°28.995'S149°54.071'Wconversion DM/DMS
Barrier reef17°29.178'S149°54.051'Wconversion DM/DMS
Fringing reef17°29.376'S149°54.055'Wconversion DM/DMS


Analysed nutrients

  • Phosphate PO4 (µM)
  • Nitrates NO3 (µM)
  • Nitrites NO2 (µM)
  • Silice Si(OH)4 (µM)
  • Ammonium NH4+ (µM)
Note: -99 in stored data means no data and -98 in Ammonium means < 0,05µM

Analysis method

The analysis are realised at CRIOBE using the Autoanalyser AA3 (SEAL Analytical), by methods described by Aminot & Kérouel, 2007. Before 2013, the analysis were done by CAIRAP.

Literature references
Alain Aminot, Roger Kérouel. Dosage automatique des nutriments dans les eaux marines. Edition Quae, 2007

Interactive map


1)  2024-11-05 15:23