

The transects and the thermometer are at -12 meters depth on the outer slope.

The Polynesia Mana since 1993

Icon Corail 35px The analysis of the coral cover is done using three methods:
Photo-quadrat coral transect
Coral survey by "manta tow"
Underwater seascape photography
You can access to and to the photo quadrats

YearRugosity parallelRugosity perpendicularHeight SD parallelHeight SD perpendicular
20211.5781 (sd 0.1200)1.4700(sd 0.0750)0.08930.1387
20231.6045 (sd 0.0876)1.4754(sd 0.0589)0.08490.1448
20251.6422 (sd 0.0869)1.4864(sd 0.0630)0.08890.1461

Icon Poisson 35px The fish are estimated using ichtyological assessment.
Here are the data
Icon Temp The temperatre is recorded using the SBE 56 Thermometer.
Here are the thermometer data
Icon Temp A SBE 16plus V2 was set up from October to December 2009.
Here are the data.

Quadrat n°10 on the outer slope of Tetiaroa, in 2015/CRIOBE

3D reconstruction of the site (2021)/CRIOBE

3D reconstruction of the site (2025)/CRIOBE

Historique Tetiaroa

Mission 1er février 2017
Yannick Friday February 3, 2017

Changement des deux thermographes en place SBE56 n° de série 3434 et du Hobo #9859163 par un Hobo # 1294075
Rectification point GPS
Blanchissement épars sans mortalité constaté sur trait Manta tow 4 mn vers le nord. Majoritairement des ... <more>

Interactive map


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