
Welcome to the SNO CORAIL (National Observation Service) web site
Service instated by the French national strategy to study biodiversity

The goal is to capture physical, physico-chemical and biological variations in time in coral reef ecosystems in order to detect, follow, analyse and model their evolution in conduction with environmental changes induced by human activities and climate change.
SNO CORAIL is a service of the Institut national des Sciences de l'Univers (INSU), a French institution created by decree in 1985 with the mission to work out, develop and coordinate research of national and international reach in astronomy, Earth, Ocean and Space Science that are taking place in public establishments depending on the ministry of national education, and part of the CNRS, particularly of the scientific department of mathematics, physics, planet and Universe that groups the matching topics of which it reinforce and perennialize the action.

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Latest News!

Ongoing monitoring for Moorea's reserves!

Author: Cecile - Published 2022-06-02 09:26 - ( Reads)

In 2004, Moorea's Maritime Space Management Plan (PGEM) was officially approved and included 8 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). In support of this action, the CRIOBE, in collaboration with the Marine Resources Department, launched a biological monitoring program for the MPAs which were established to help regulate fisheries. The monitoring program was created to collect data from each of the MPAs and to then run analyses to determine whether the reserves are effective in protecting habitats and marine resources (fish and edible invertebrates).

Photographic monitoring, HD at the service of corals!

Author: Cecile - Published 2022-06-02 09:21 - ( Reads)

Technology is helping to transform monitoring methods that are used to monitor species that live in benthic – or ‘bottom’ - habitats. In the past, monitoring was almost always carried out through visual surveys conducted by scientific divers, equipped with a slate and a pencil, who took note of all of the target categories present within a given in a ‘transect’ area.

100 Island Challenge Training

Author: Cecile - Published 2022-06-02 09:16 - ( Reads)

A training session on large-scale imaging techniques for the representation of coral reefs, with a primary focus on the 3D representation of the seabed, was organized in early 2022 by the Scripps Institution of the University of California, San Diego (USA), in charge of the 100 Island Challenge program

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1)  2024-11-05 15:23