
Tiahura Radial

The coral reef of Tiahura in Moorea has been studied since 1971 being the first qualitative and quantitative survey of main reef life of French Polynesia. This survey, assimilated to a point zero, was achieved on the fringing and the barrier reef of Tiahura to characterise the structure of its communities.

Tiahura Radial in 1971
Tiahura Radial in 1971
Tiahura Radial in 2014
Tiahura Radial in 2014

In order to study long term variabilité of populations and compositions in Tiahura over a time lapse of more than ten years and spread over whole coral reef, two steps were necessary:

  • Research the temporal inter annual (or not) surveys, but having started before 1990, when the first ATPP survey was launched.
  • Update those temporal surveys by sampling, using the same protocols, the matching populations and communities.

This study provides an image of the long term variability of the communities of the coral reef of Tiahura, complementing the one from ATPP.
These ecological data cover in fact a longer period of time (since 1971) and focus on all the geomorphological units of the coral reef of Tiahura.


Map showing the geographical location of the sampling stations at Tiahura in the lagoon:

1/ J. Fagerstrom radial in 1992 where are located the 20 coral sampling units.

Literature references
  • Fagestrom J.A., 1992- Impact and recovery of reefs from an Acanthaster planci outbreaks, moorea Franch Polynesia. 7th Int. Coral Reef Symposium Guam 29.
  • Augustin D., Galzin R., legendre P., Salvat B., 1997- Variation interanuelle des peuplements recifaux du récif barrière de Tiahura (Ile de Moorea, Polynésie française). Oceanologica Acta 20(5) : 743-756
  • Augustin D., 1998- Variabilité à long terme des peuplements du récif de Tiahura, Polynésie française 1971-1997- These de doctorat Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI : 146 pages.

2/ sampling zone of the ATPP program on the barrier reef.

3/ pioneer radial of Tiahura used in 1971, 1978, 1980 and 1995.

Literature references
  • Salvat B., Richard G., Salvat F., Berigaud R., Antoine L., Berigaud M.C., Plessis Y., 1972-Moorea-Tiahura Etude des peuplements du lagon et du récif : 104 p.

4/ Tiahura radial used in 1992. This radial is fictive and only served as a frame for the 10 sampling stations of the barrier reef for the ATPP program.

5/ lagoon fish sampling stations of the Long term Tiahura, also named "série Galzin".

6/ stations d'échantillonnage des coraux de C. Bouchon et des poissons de M. Harmelin-Vivien et de Y. Bouchon.
=>very useful data because they are the only ones describing live coral cover in Tiahura before 1982. See references below to access them.

Literature references
  • Bouchon-Navaro Y., 1981- Quantitative distribution of the Chaetodontidae on a reef of Moorea island (French Polynesia). J. Exp. Mar.Biol.Ecol., 55 : 145-157.
  • Bouchon-Navaro Y., Bouchon C., harmelin-Vivien M., 1985- Impact of coral degradation on a chaetodontidae fish assemblage (Moorea, Franch Polynesia). Proc. 5th Internat. Coral Reefs Congres Tahiti 5 : 427-432.
  • Bouchon C., 1985- Quantitative study of scleractinian coral communities of Tiahura reef (Moorea island, French Polynesia). Proc. 5th Internat. Coral Reefs Congres Tahiti 6 : 279-284.


Interactive map


1)  2024-09-30 15:23
2)  2024-11-05 15:23