
Temporal Layout of Populations and Communities

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The research program Agencement Temporel des Populations et des Peuplements (ATPP, Temporal Layout of Populations and Communities) started in 1990 on the barrier reef and in 1991 on the outer slope of Tiahura in the North coast of Moorea.
This reef was chosen because of the knowledge about living organisms acquired since 1971, making it true living workshop.


On this map, number 2 indicates the sampling zone for the ATPP on the barrier reed (see Tiahura Radial for more details).


Goals of this research program

1.Describe interannual variability of communities

  • variability of each community
  • variability of the trophic composition of the biocenosis

2.Try to explain this variability using:

  • correlations between variability of populations, communities and abiotic factors
  • study of the populations and communities dynamic while taking into account the biological composition of the recruitment.

The study of the recruitment and abiotic factors respectively focus only on fish and sea water temperature and exceptional climatic events such as cyclones.

The sampling period is one year and it takes place between March and May during the full moon for the outer slope and the last quarter for the barrier reef.
Fish are counted at around 10am. The other communities are sampled at the same period.

ATPP logbook


Blog mission
ATPP Avril 2017
gsiu Wednesday April 19, 2017

Sur le récif barrière, il n'y avait quasiment aucun Ctenogobiops. C'est étrange.

La totalité des comptages barrière a été réalisé en une seule journée.

ATPP Mai 2016
gsiu Saturday May 21, 2016
  • Les fortes houles de mars (?) ont fait décrocher la balise jaune. Sa chaîne a trainé sur le contrefort où se trouve les UE 5 et 6, rasant ainsi quasiment la moitié de ces UE.





Interactive map


1)  2024-11-05 15:23